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What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a health care profession that focuses on the science of movement and can help you restore, maintain and improve your physical strength, function, motion and overall well-being. Physiotherapists are primary health care professionals that combine an in-depth understanding of the body with specialized hands-on therapy techniques to assess, diagnose and treat underlying physical issues, injuries or disorders to promote mobility and function.

How can physiotherapy help me?

Whether helping patients with injury rehabilitation or disability management, our physiotherapists are dedicated to helping you get back to a healthy, happy and pain free life. Our physiotherapists utilize a whole-body approach and use a variety of treatment techniques to help you regain the ability to move freely, perform daily activities and improve your overall strength, stamina and stability.

What to expect during a physiotherapy treatment?

During your first visit one of our licensed and registered physiotherapists works with you to per form a comprehensive assessment to accurately identify the underlying cause of your issues and provide you with an effective treatment plan customized to your individual need and goals. We encourage active exercise solutions in most of our physiotherapy services as we feel that is what works best.

Physio treatments can include:

At Delta Rise Physiotherapy & Sports Clinic physiotherapy therapy has commonly been used to treat a variety of ailments and disorders. Our physiotherapists can help you with:

Call us today to learn more or book an appointment now.